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Northern Lights Amherst Cheer Register View Cart

Northern Lights Amherst Winter Cheer
All Star Cheer is a high energy, team-based, performance sport that is athletic, artistic and acrobatic. It involves athletes competing with a 2 and a 1/2 minute routine composed of tumbling, stunting, pyramids, dance and cheer segments.
This will be NL Amherst’s 6th season!  The winter program is for athletes of any ability level in grades 1-5!  In the winter we practice once a week and go to 2-3 competitions (tentatively scheduled for Feb 15,  March 30 and April 12)
NL cheerleaders do not cheer at football or basketball games, instead focusing on 2-3 local competitions/performances.  NL coaches and choreographers are trained in safety, technique and skill building.  We are competitive but our program focuses first and foremost on fun and team building.
Who: Grades 1 - 5th grade (teams will be split by age/grade)
When: Practices Tuesday OR Thursday 5:30-7:00 (depending on team placements)
Where: Amherst Middle School Cafeteria
Fee: $250R, $280NR (uniform fee not included)
Equipment Needed: cheer shoes & uniform

Max: 25 per team

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Northern Lights Amherst Winter Cheer Grades 1-5 
N/A 1 - 5 TuTh  12/10/2024 - 04/10/2025
05:30 PM - 07:00 PM

Amherst Middle School - Cafeteria
$250.00 R, $280.00 NR
3 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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