Amherst, NH Parks & Recreation
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Early Release - PMEC Explorers Register View Cart

Early Release
Come join us and enjoy an afternoon of fun and exploring at Peabody Mill Environmental Center.  We will explore the amazing hiking trails, play games and make crafts.  On early release Wednesdays we will pick up the explorers from Wilkins and bring them to PMEC for an afternoon of fun in nature!

WHO: Grades 1-4
WHEN: Early Release Days - September 10th,October 9th, December 11th, January 8th, February 12th, April 9th, May 14th
WHERE: Peabody Mill Environmental Center, 66 Brook Road, Amherst
FEE: $35R, $40NR 

**Transportation will be provided from Wilkins Elementary to PMEC.  Remember to register through the Wilkins Website PUP patrol.**

Sample Schedule:
11:30 AM - Pick Up at Wilkins
12:00 PM - Arrive at PMEC
12:00PM- 12:15PM - Snack and bathroom break.
12:15PM to 1:15PM -  Head out onto the trails for a fun weekly activity, exploring habitats, fort building, learning about animals at PMEC.

1:15 PM - Head back to PMEC
1:15PM-2:15PM-  Options of Lego challenges, Gaga Ball, nature crafts, quiet homework time
2:30PM - Pick Up

Please pick up on time. Any student remaining past 2:30pm will be billed a late fee.  A minimum of 6 participants is needed to run this program.

Meet The Instructors
Hello! I am Michele Koltookian, a fellow Amherst resident and mom of twin boys. I am so grateful to be a PMEC educator and to be able to share my passion for all things science and nature. I am a former researcher who worked in the field of dog genetics. I hold a B.S. in Marine Science and Biology along with an M. Ed. in secondary education. In my free time, I enjoy cooking, baking, reading, and spending time outdoors. I am excited to bring my love of science and the knowledge that I gained over the years to kids at PMEC.

Hi, I'm Ms. Celina, I have been living in Amherst for 12 years. I am the program coordinator at PMEC. I am a mom of two, an avid outdoor enthusiast and the program coordinator here at PMEC. I have my degree in Parks, Recreation and Tourism and enjoy creating fun and exciting programs for all ages. I love to spend time outside exploring the woods and teaching kids all the wonders of nature.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Early Release - PMEC Explorers (April) 
N/A 1 - 4 04/09/2025
11:30 AM - 02:30 PM

Peabody Mill Environmental Center
$35.00 R, $45.00 NR
25 seat(s) available
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Early Release - PMEC Explorers (May) 
N/A 1 - 4 05/14/2025
11:30 AM - 02:30 PM

Peabody Mill Environmental Center
$35.00 R, $45.00 NR
25 seat(s) available
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Early Release - PMEC Explorers (3 Month Bundle) 
N/A 1 - 4 02/12/2025 - 05/14/2025
11:30 AM - 02:30 PM

Peabody Mill Environmental Center
$100.00 R, $120.00 NR
24 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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